Locate the funding you need to make an impact.

A monthly handcrafted wellspring of grant awards at your fingertips.


The Grantcrackers purpose is to help you focus on yours. We find prospective funders, conduct research on said funders, and assemble that information to provide you with a package containing everything from who to contact and how to qualify.

Our team utilizes the combined experience and skills of its expert consultants across various disciplines to assist your non-profit or for-profit in their ability to grow financially, improve operationally, and enhance structurally.


Sharpen your funding submissions to the industries of your choosing.

Recover and Restructure from COVID-19.

We can help you obtain emergency grants and reimbursements to eligible Covid-19 response activities such as health services, food services, shelter, and transportation. Public government grants, private foundation support, the stimulus bill, federal funds, and various cashflow management loans are more readily available than ever before.